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thickness of coal seam中文是什么意思

用"thickness of coal seam"造句"thickness of coal seam"怎么读"thickness of coal seam" in a sentence


  • 煤层厚度


  • Calculating relative thickness of coal seam in qudi area by 3d seismic data
  • Numerical simulation of the influence of hardness and thickness of coal seam on rock burst
  • The hardness and thickness of coal seam play a great role in the vertical distribution of stress in coal and the occurrence of rock bunt under the condition of hard roof and hard floor
  • This paper analyzes on the influence of the variation in thickness of coal seam and the supporting method on the coal quality , and based on this , advances some measures for reducing the gangue production to improve the coal quality on the tunneling faces
  • Since the vertical stress distribution of coal and rock can reflect the risk of rock burst , the influence of hardness and thickness of coal seams with a hard roof and a hard floor on the vertical stress distribution of coal and rock was simulated
用"thickness of coal seam"造句  
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